An exploding star nova is due to show up in our skies soon.

A nearby exploding star is due to offer a spectacular show that could outshine our North Star this year.The star, which is 3,000 light-years from Earth, is expected to burst in a gigantic explosion — known as a nova — in the coming months.

NASA said in a statement that the once-a-lifetime event could be so big that it can be seen by the naked eye. It should be visible for up to a week.

It will be “fun and exciting upcoming cataclysm,” Bradley Schaefer, an astrophysicist at Louisiana State University, told The New York Times.
It adds to an already-packed agenda for skygazers this year.

This includes a full solar eclipse for those in the US or Canada in April, plus the rare, huge green comet which is already starting to be visible.

sursa: businessinsider.com

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